CWO4 Elmer M. Cook, USA-Ret. Honored by Bette Cook

On the occasion of CWO4 Elmer M. “Mel” Cook’s 88th birthday, this brick for the U.S. Army Museum Path to Remembrance is in honor of his service and dedication to the military. Cook served 32 years (1945-1946 and 1950-1980) in the U.S. Army through 3 wars (WWII, Korea, Vietnam), beginning as Private and retiring as Chief Warrant Officer. Varied assignments included the fields of finance, intelligence, administration, personnel, parachuting, attaché, and aviation. His career culminated in induction into the Army Aviation Hall of Fame in 1980 and return to Vietnam as part of a Presidential delegation in 2000. There was no truer soldier, husband, and father.