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A wide assortment of topics which have been meticulously researched, studied, and assembled.

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A wide assortment of topics which have been meticulously researched, studied, and assembled.

Army Art – Army Animals

Since its beginning, the U.S. Army, like all other armies of the world, has relied on animals to perform a variety of tasks throughout its

Artwork of the Spanish-American War

2023 marks the 125th anniversary of the Spanish-American War, the brief but pivotal 1898 conflict that garnered the United States an overseas empire and solidified

Artwork of Gene Snyder

Carl E. “Gene” Snyder created works in a variety of media, including several pieces focusing on Army peacekeeping and humanitarian missions overseas.


An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

Army Art

An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

Army Art – Army Animals

Since its beginning, the U.S. Army, like all other armies of the world, has relied on animals to perform a variety of tasks throughout its

Artwork of the Spanish-American War

2023 marks the 125th anniversary of the Spanish-American War, the brief but pivotal 1898 conflict that garnered the United States an overseas empire and solidified


Biographies of the lives of people who served, and the ripple effects they have on the contemporary world.

General Gordon R. Sullivan

General Gordon R. Sullivan was a man of action and a soldier devoted to serving his country. His life reflected the values of the American

Soldier- Major General Joseph Holt

Joseph Holt was born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, in 1807. He attended Saint Joseph College and later moved to Louisville where he apprenticed to be


Biographies of the lives of people who served, and the ripple effects they have on the contemporary world.

General Gordon R. Sullivan

General Gordon R. Sullivan was a man of action and a soldier devoted to serving his country. His life reflected the values of the American

Soldier- Major General Joseph Holt

Joseph Holt was born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, in 1807. He attended Saint Joseph College and later moved to Louisville where he apprenticed to be

M102 105mm Howitzer

Emplaced at dozens of fire support bases (FSBs) across South Vietnam, U.S. Army artillery, including 105mm, 155mm, and 8-inch howitzers, along with 175mm guns,

The M240B General Purpose Machine Gun

Many infantry weapons past and present—automatic rifles, submachine guns, assault rifles, and general purpose machine guns—can be traced directly to World War I.

Tools of War

The weapons, machines, vehicles, and tools that helped move the Army forward.

Tools of War

An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

M102 105mm Howitzer

Emplaced at dozens of fire support bases (FSBs) across South Vietnam, U.S. Army artillery, including 105mm, 155mm, and 8-inch howitzers, along with 175mm guns,

The M240B General Purpose Machine Gun

Many infantry weapons past and present—automatic rifles, submachine guns, assault rifles, and general purpose machine guns—can be traced directly to World War I.


At home or abroad, these are the places and facilities in which the Army has conducted operations.

Fort Michie, New York

Fort Michie was a U.S. Army coast artillery post located on Great Gull Island, New York, from 1897 to 1948.

Camp Gordon, Georgia

The declaration of war on 6 April 1917 put the training camp idea on hold in favor of actual conscription and mustering of the American

Fort Wool, Virginia

by Terrance McGovern Fort Wool has played an important role in America’s history, yet even the fort’s current existence has faded from America’s memory. Known


At home or abroad, these are the places and facilities in which the Army has conducted operations.

Fort Michie, New York

Fort Michie was a U.S. Army coast artillery post located on Great Gull Island, New York, from 1897 to 1948.

Camp Gordon, Georgia

The declaration of war on 6 April 1917 put the training camp idea on hold in favor of actual conscription and mustering of the American

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