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Irwin McDowell: Forgotten No More

Irvin McDowell was a true, loyal, and dutiful soldier who was not always placed in positions that utilized his many talents as a military bureaucrat

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A wide assortment of topics which have been meticulously researched, studied, and assembled.

Cavalry And Armor Art

The origins of the U.S. Army’s mounted forces date back to 12 December 1776, when the Continental Congress authorized a regiment of cavalry.


An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

Army Art

An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

Artwork of Gene Snyder

Carl E. “Gene” Snyder created works in a variety of media, including several pieces focusing on Army peacekeeping and humanitarian missions overseas.

Cavalry And Armor Art

The origins of the U.S. Army’s mounted forces date back to 12 December 1776, when the Continental Congress authorized a regiment of cavalry.


Biographies of the lives of people who served, and the ripple effects they have on the contemporary world.

Soldier- Isaac N Dryden

Dryden was immediately appointed as one of Company D’s eight corporals, and he was promoted to sergeant before the 24th Ohio saw its first action

Soldier: Edgar G. Ireland

Edgar G. “Eddie” Ireland epitomized the strength of the American citizen-soldier in World War II and has been a role model of determination and optimism


Biographies of the lives of people who served, and the ripple effects they have on the contemporary world.

Tools of War- Messenger Pigeons

The U.S. Army has a long history of employing animals in various missions. From the oxen-drawn sleds of the Knox Expedition dragging cannon from Fort

MGM-31 Pershing Missile

The Army’s specifications for the Pershing were stringent. For maximum mobility, the Pershing was to weigh no more than 10,000 pounds and include two stages.

Browning Automatic Rifle

In the autumn of 1918, a powerful new American weapon was introduced to provide assault troops that type of weapon: the Browning Automatic Rifle, then

Tools of War

The weapons, machines, vehicles, and tools that helped move the Army forward.

Tools of War

An exploration of a variety of human experiences by soldier artists. Gain a deeper understanding of army history outside of dates and statistics. 

Tools of War- Messenger Pigeons

The U.S. Army has a long history of employing animals in various missions. From the oxen-drawn sleds of the Knox Expedition dragging cannon from Fort


At home or abroad, these are the places and facilities in which the Army has conducted operations.

Post- Fort Drum, Philippines

Fort Drum, also known as El Fraile Island, was a heavily fortified site situated at the mouth of Manila Bay in the Philippines, due south

Camp Merritt, New Jersey

The camp was named for the famous Civil War cavalry officer Wesley Merritt (1836-1910). Following the Civil War, Merritt served in the Indian Wars and

Fort Defiance, Arizona

Before the Army could mount another offensive, its efforts to bring the Navajos under control were interrupted in 1861 by the beginning of the Civil


At home or abroad, these are the places and facilities in which the Army has conducted operations.

Fort Wool, Virginia

by Terrance McGovern Fort Wool has played an important role in America’s history, yet even the fort’s current existence has faded from America’s memory. Known

Post- Fort Drum, Philippines

Fort Drum, also known as El Fraile Island, was a heavily fortified site situated at the mouth of Manila Bay in the Philippines, due south

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