Our Circles of Distinction donors are The Army Historical Foundation’s top donors who have supported the Capital Campaign to raise the funds to build the National Museum of the United States Army. This past January, The Foundation was pleased to announce that Dr. John F. Hillen increased his giving to the Circles of Distinction bringing him to the Three-Star level. With this contribution, Dr. Hillen’s donation supports the “Operation Desert Storm” exhibit in the Changing World Gallery.
The Foundation would like to thank the following new Circles of Distinction donors:
- COL David and Mrs. Joanne Lofgren — Three-Star Circle
- CSM Kent J. Snyder, USA-Ret. — Two-Star Circle
- Mr. Steven E (SPC) and Mrs. Regina D. Gardner — Two-Star Circle
- William A. Ksiazek — Two-Star Circle
- Wallace H. Nunn on behalf of the 174th Assault Helicopter Company — One-Star Circle
- Battle of the Bulge Association and Foundation — One-Star Circle
- GA Redding LTC, AGC, USA — One-Star Circle

“My family was fortunate enough to have served the nation and its Army in close combat in the Civil War, the Vietnam War, and Operation Desert Storm among many other episodes of service. It was our greatest privilege and honor.
Our unique civil-military traditions and heritage are important components of civic education in the United States. I am thrilled to help The Army Historical Foundation and the Museum make these stories accessible to the entire public and visitors from around the world.”
— The Honorable Dr. John F. Hillen, III
The history of the United States Army is the history of our Nation. A great Army deserves a great Museum. A special thank you to all our Circles of Distinction donors whose longstanding commitment is making this a reality.