USA Today Includes National Museum of the United States Army in 10 Best New Attractions

AHF welcomes 2021 with an exciting announcement and good news. USA Today has included the National Museum of the United States Army on its 10 Best New Attractions of 2020!  Coming in at #9, we are grateful to be part of this list of exceptional travel experiences.

Although the Museum has temporarily closed as a public health precaution, in the meantime, please visit the Museum’s website and stay in the know through social media by following @USArmyMuseum and @USArmyMuseumFdn on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Explore the Museum’s digital resources on its website, and consider attending a virtual event while we continue our mission to share U.S. Army history even while we are apart. We look forward to your future visit and when we can again celebrate the history of the U.S, Army!