The Army Historical Foundation is proud to deliver to you this latest September Issue of On Point in a digital application and new format. This virtual access to On Point delivers articles and features that you love at the click of your mouse. We also plan to expand and grow content over time as this medium allows us to explore new ways to design content delivery and user features. This is our first issue under our belt with the editorial and production team finding their own agile approach to the current times. As I have mentioned, this new format allows us to streamline spending, create new digital initiatives, and make your On Point reading experience more interactive.
We understand that this is a change, but we’re still with you … on your desktop, your phone, and your tablet! Although we’re replacing ink and paper with images on screens, we are now reaching well beyond our circle with digital On Point with new member outreach.
As we look ahead to the end of 2020, our September and December versions of On Point will be available in digital format only. We are excited to use On Point to connect the Museum and Army history to our members and donors. Additionally, we are excited about offering two versions, print and digital, in the future. We will continue to keep you up to date on any editorial or production changes to our Journal of Army history as they come.
LTG Roger Schultz, USA-Ret.
President, The Army Historical Foundation