The Foundation is continuing the campaign to raise funds for the National Museum of the United States Army in order to enhance the outdoor spaces of the Museum campus. The campaign’s next milestone will support the creation of a Memorial Garden, a peaceful place where visitors will be able to reflect on the sacrifices made by the American Soldier. We are asking for your help to reach our $4.85 million goal, which will enable us to begin construction.

The Memorial Garden will be a place of great beauty, dedicated to those who have served so selflessly over the past 248 years. The Garden will be designed to represent an “A” for “Army” as visitors walk in, and a “V” for “victory” as they exit. The pavers will progress from light to dark further into the Garden, providing visitors with visual cues on the intent of the Garden as a place for reflection. At the far point of the Garden will be a Soldier’s Cross resting on a pedestal, honoring Soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.
The Foundation hopes you will contribute towards this special feature, which will help tell the story of the American Soldier with deserving honor. For more information on donating to the Memorial Garden, please email