Grassroots Volunteers Continue through VFW

Even during these unprecedented times, The Army Historical Foundation’s (AHF’s) Grassroots Volunteers continue to share news and information about the National Museum of the United States Army with their communities. Larry Bowlin of Kennedale, Texas, is the Blood Program Leader for Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6111.

He explained that because blood drives are still designated essential, he is able to share information about the Museum directly with those giving blood. “I found that many people didn’t serve in the military themselves, but had a grandfather, father, or other relative who did,” Larry shared. “I keep informational material about the Museum on the table where a blood donor recuperates, so I have about ten minutes to explain why a National Army Museum is an excellent way to commemorate the service of a friend or family member.”

An avid military history buff, Larry has extensive connections to the Army. His grandfather served in World War I and his father was a career Soldier who served with the 8th Armored Division in Germany during WWII. Larry served with the Army as a civilian for ten years.

In reflecting on his work as a Grassroots Volunteer, Larry added, “I take great pride in knowing that I am helping preserve the history and legacy of the American Soldier for the present generation and generations to come.”

Larry concluded that he is most looking forward to being able to travel safely to the Museum and visit the Path of Remembrance to see the brick he purchased for his father’s service.

“Americans need to be reminded that the freedom they enjoy was paid for by the men and women who valued duty and honor above their own life, and this Museum is a perfect reminder of this.”

To learn more about joining the ranks of AHF Grassroots Volunteers, contact Beth Schultz Seaman at or (703) 879-0006.